We're supporting more dogs and their owners across the UK
Today, I’m proud to share that we’re launching the tails.com community fund. We’re supporting local charities, shelters and projects with grants so that they can continue - and grow - the work they do. This is a first for us, and a new way to achieve our tails.com vision of improving the lives of dogs and their owners.
We’ve been working with StreetVet for a couple of years now, and I’ve been blown away by how they’ve reshaped their community-led support in recent months. While Coronavirus has kept most of us in our homes, dogs (and cats) have still needed feeding, treatment and care and charities, volunteers and shelters do incredible work to fill this gap.

We know that animal welfare charities are set to lose up to half their income* this year, and their costs continue - if anything, they will increase as the numbers of dogs being abandoned is expected to rise. And, it’s the smallest charities that are likely to be the hardest hit.
We’re kick-starting the tails.com community fund by pledging £25,000 and are set to split this into grants ranging from £3,000. To do that, we need your help!
Are you, or do you know a charity, shelter or project which is making a significant difference to people and dogs in their local community who might benefit? They could be focused on improving the lives of people - through pet therapy, companionship or trained assistance dogs - or improving the lives of dogs, caring for them and rehoming them where needed. We would love to hear from you!
For more information on how to apply, please go to tails.com/communityfund. We’re accepting applications from now until 18th September. The first grant will be awarded in October.
*Source: According to the Association of Dogs and Cat Homes (ADCH).