So it’s your first day at It was clear from your very first interview this wasn’t going to be your average 9-5 and you now find yourself sprinting alongside your new colleagues like a litter of excited puppies. You’re not quite sure what to expect but you already know it’s going to be game-changing - this is a role that is going to make a difference and improve the lives of dogs and their owners. offers a fast-paced, challenging and collaborative environment. Teams are working on multiple projects, collaborating with others and constantly communicating on a plethora of platforms and channels. For some, starting at tails could be a little overwhelming.
To support our new starters and help them get up to speed, we have our very own induction programme, aptly dubbed: InDogtion.
Within the first month at tails, new pack members are invited to a week-long induction programme, which includes sessions from all of our various teams. Alongside other new starters across all levels and teams, they’ll learn about things like our history, dogs and nutrition, our marketing strategy, our award-winning customer service, and factory operations - just to name a few.

Each session is delivered by a different manager with bags of experience for our newest members to tap into. Even our CEO, James holds a session to share our vision, our values and how it all started.
InDogtion gives our newest team members a chance to get to know each other which helps to build strong cross-team relationships down the line.
Our vision and values are at the heart of everything we do at tails and feature widely throughout InDogtion.
Joining our ever-growing team provides the opportunity to be part of something bigger, beyond the scope of your role and share in our strong culture. Keeping each other and our culture close not only means that we work together better, but also helps us stay connected on a more personal level - this has never been more true since we all started leading socially distanced lives. To reflect this, our InDogtion has also been adapted to a new virtual format, ensuring new starters get the best possible experience while joining us during lockdown.
Topping off all the other learning our newest members do within and outside their teams, we host one final day of InDogtion after their first three months. Throughout this day, we take starters one step further in their understanding of tails by delving deeper into our models, metrics and our business structure. Transparency is key at tails - only by providing a complete picture of what we do and the vital role each of us plays can we truly come together to change the world of pet food for good.